Monday, 2 January 2012


I guess that means she’s out of the well! But anyway the moment has arrived, my book is now available on Amazon Kindle for the princely sum of $1.49 (or £0.99). It’s the kind of quality you just can’t buy. Well obviously you can, but not until now. I’ll get $0.52 in royalties for each book sold, so I need to make twenty sales to get my $10 outlay back. So what are you waiting for? Download Banshee in the Well right now! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO! I’ve also done a separate post for comments/reviews by anyone who happens to read the book.

Here are the Amazon US and UK links. 


  1. Congratulations, Robin! I'm heading to Amazon now.

  2. Congrats Robin! One Banshee purchased. Not sure when I can get to reading it. As a writer, I don't do public reviews for others, but I will contact you personally to let you know what I think. Have a great day. :D

  3. What about those of us unfortunate enought not to own a Kindle? If I'd like to read it on my iPad, or, dread the thought, print a copy? Any other format releases in your near future?

  4. Very best of luck, Robin. Your story has a very interesting plot...

  5. $3.49 here in Taiwan!

    Mark Chapman

  6. Yes, Amazon in the US, but I accessed it from Taiwan. I've seen this kind of thing happen before with e-books.

    Mark Chapman

  7. If it was a government imposed tax, then it would apply to all e-books, but it doesn't. Many have the same price. It seems to happen when an author makes a discount.

    Mark Chapman

  8. I have now joined the 20th century and I'm enjoying Kindle on my iPad. Looking forward to reading the Banshee!

  9. Did Amazon get back to you about the differences in pricing?

    Mark Chapman

    1. Thanks Robin. It's a little strange that for most e-books there's no difference in the pricing between the USA/UK and Taiwan. The only other time I've seen this is when there's a discount being offered on the e-book.

      Mark Chapman

    2. Still not sure what Amazon are doing, but Banshee was a good read. Feel free to copy the review and use it any way you like. Are you working on a second book?

      Mark Chapman

  10. Squee! I'm sorry I haven't been by your blog to wish you congratulations on your release! As soon as I purchase a Kindle (it's on my 2012 to-do list!), yours is one of the first purchases I intend to make! I can't wait!!
